Individuals who wish to operate a driver training school in the State of Georgia are required to post a surety bond with the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) before being issued a license. The amount of the bond is $10,000, and each location the licensee operates will require a separate bond. The purpose of this bond is to guarantee that the principal (driving school operator) complies with all regulations in 375-5-2 governing the operation of driver training schools. If a harmed party files a valid claim against the bond, the surety will pay out up to the penal sum of the bond to resolve the claim. The principal is then required to reimburse the surety for all monies paid out, including any attorney fees incurred.
Georgia Driving School Surety Bonds have a continuous term and remains in effect until canceled. The surety can terminate the bond at any time by giving a written notice to the DDS and the principal. The application and bond form for the driver training school license can be found here.
Pacific Surety is proud to offer a variety of approvals regardless of credit, with rates as low at $100 annually and discounted two-year pricing at $175 for qualifying applicants. The process typically takes just a few hours for a quote, and we have the ability to beat any competitors pricing. If you have any specific questions, feel free to contact our knowledgeable underwriting staff.